
Meet the Owner & Provider of

Epiphany Clinic!

Stephany Reese, FNP-C, ABHRT

Stephany is a certified Hormone Expert! Having worked in healthcare for over 14 years, Stephany was drawn to hormone therapy because she wants to treat the root cause of health problems instead of just treating the symptoms of an issue. Being a travel nurse across the country, she saw how often our medical system waits to treat a patient until their condition becomes serious. She wanted to do something different so she began training in Hormone Therapy with the Academy for Preventive and Innovative Medicine (Worldlink) for Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy. She bases all of her treatment plans on proven clinical research and personalizes every plan for each patient’s individual goals. In addition to hormone therapy, Epiphany Clinic also offers weight loss services, and will soon be offering aesthetic procedures. Stephany believes that everyone should look and feel their Best!

Look and Feel Your Best

Our in-person and virtual medical practice, Epiphany Clinic, specializes in hormone therapy for men and women. We are licensed in Utah, Arizona, and Oregon, offering clinically researched treatments to give you more energy, help you sleep better, and lose weight. Our goal is to help you feel better than just “fine” and look your very best!. We believe hormone therapy can play an important role in both preventative and corrective health treatments, eliminating the need for costly testing and medication. We will work with you in selecting hormone therapies that are tailored to your individual needs. Let us be your partners in making hormone therapy part of your journey towards better health! 

Stephany works with her team to build a custom tailored approach to hormone therapy in order to provide patients with personalized care that meets the needs of their particular situation. With individualized plans based on hormone therapy and lifestyle modifications, our treatment protocols can help patients return to feeling their best again. 

A happy mom who is ready to fell better than fine with hormone therapy in Utah, Arizona and Oregon
Tired dad with his son at a laptop who is in need of hormone therapy

It’s Time To Focus On You

When using bioidentical hormones for hormone replacement therapy they act like the hormones your body naturally makes. For many women, the changes experienced with pregnancy, childbirth, aging, and menopause can make it hard to go through day to day activities and feel well.  Our treatments have been clinically shown to improve common symptoms such as difficulty sleeping, exhaustion, low sex drive, weight gain, and additional conditions that could turn into something more serious. 

Luckily hormone therapy treatment is not only for women. Many men have experienced positive results from treatment when they have a lower level of testosterone and abnormal thyroid function.  Men often experienced similar symptoms such as weight gain, loss of libido, restless sleeping. thinning hair, moodiness and other symptoms that can cause frustration and difficulty.  If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, then you are likely a candidate for hormone therapy from Health + Hormones.

If you are ready to :

• Improve your overall health

• Get more energy

• Lose weight

• Sleep better

• And many other conditions

Then now is the time to schedule a free 15 minute consultation with Stephany to help you feel better than just fine.